traefik / structor

[Messor Structor 🐜] Manage multiple versions of a Mkdocs documentation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting 'unable to prepare context' when trying the sample

itamarhaber opened this issue · comments

Dear author(s)/maintainer(s),

I can't get past this pesky error - any ideas?

itamar@ubuntu:~/structor-sample$ sudo ~/go/bin/structor version
 version     : 1.10.0
 commit      : fa5efe0225588ffde509df94aeb09afaea577745
 build date  : 2019-10-28T11:14:05Z
 go version  : go1.13.3
 go compiler : gc
 platform    : linux/amd64
itamar@ubuntu:~/structor-sample$ sudo ~/go/bin/structor --owner mmatur --repo-name="structor-sample" --dockerfile-url="" --menu.js-url="" --exp-branch=master --debug
2020/01/30 10:25:56 Run Structor command with config : &{Owner:mmatur RepositoryName:structor-sample Debug:true DockerfileURL: DockerfileName:docs.Dockerfile ExperimentalBranchName:master ExcludedBranches:[] DockerImageName:doc-site Menu:0xc00006aa80 RequirementsURL: NoCache:false ForceEditionURI:false}
2020/01/30 10:25:56 Temp directory: /tmp/structor288412230
2020/01/30 10:25:58 Latest tag: v1.1.0
2020/01/30 10:25:58 git branch --remotes --list origin\/v*
2020/01/30 10:25:58 Generating doc for version master
2020/01/30 10:25:58 git worktree add /tmp/structor288412230/master origin/master
2020/01/30 10:25:58 Found mkdocs.yml for building documentation in /tmp/structor288412230/master.
2020/01/30 10:25:58 Using docs_dir from manifest: /tmp/structor288412230/master/docs
2020/01/30 10:25:58 Found Dockerfile for building documentation in /tmp/structor288412230/master/docs.Dockerfile.
2020/01/30 10:25:58 docker build --no-cache=false -t doc-site:master -f /tmp/structor288412230/master/docs.Dockerfile /tmp/structor288412230/master/
2020/01/30 10:26:00 unable to prepare context: path "/tmp/structor288412230/master/" not found

2020/01/30 10:26:00 git worktree prune
Error: exit status 1
  structor [flags]
  structor [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  version     Display version

      --debug                    Debug mode.
      --dockerfile-name string   Search and use this Dockerfile in the repository (in './docs/' or in './') for building documentation. (default "docs.Dockerfile")
  -d, --dockerfile-url string    Use this Dockerfile when --dockerfile-name is not found. Can be a file path. [required]
      --exclude strings          Exclude branches from the documentation generation.
      --exp-branch string        Build a branch as experimental.
      --force-edit-url           Add a dedicated edition URL for each version.
  -h, --help                     help for structor
      --image-name string        Docker image name. (default "doc-site")
      --menu.css-file string     File path of the template of the CSS file use for the multi version menu.
      --menu.css-url string      URL of the template of the CSS file use for the multi version menu.
      --menu.js-file string      File path of the template of the JS file use for the multi version menu.
      --menu.js-url string       URL of the template of the JS file use for the multi version menu.
      --no-cache                 Set to 'true' to disable the Docker build cache.
  -o, --owner string             Repository owner. [required]
  -r, --repo-name string         Repository name. [required]
      --rqts-url string          Use this requirements.txt to merge with the current requirements.txt. Can be a file path.
      --version                  version for structor

Use "structor [command] --help" for more information about a command.

exit status 1

Figured it out <- don't use snap install docker and just follow the instructions to install the community engine 🤦‍♂