tracked-tools / tracked-built-ins

Tracked versions of JavaScript's built-in classes

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Using `new TrackedArray<string>()` in TypeScript

richard-viney opened this issue · comments


Is it expected to be able to write new TrackedArray<string>() in TypeScript?

I'm seeing the following:

// This works fine. The type of foo is string[].
const foo = TrackedArray.of<string>()

// This gives the error: "Property 'push' does not exist on type 'TrackedArray<string>'. ts(2339)".
// The type of bar is `TrackedArray<string>`
const bar = new TrackedArray<string>()

Should TrackedArray<T> be extending Array<T> in the type definitions?


hmm, I'm not sure it should, because we don't want to deopt the array constructor unintentionally by forcing an unrelated object to use its constructor (it'll have a different shape, so it could cause the array constructor, which is pre-JITed, to deopt when it sees its not a standard array).

It may be that we need to define TrackedArray as an interface and use some tricks to make TS think the class matches the interface. @dfreeman had a similar suggestion for TrackedObject: playground

The following seems to work for me:

declare module "tracked-built-ins" {
  interface TrackedArray<T> extends Array<T> {}

  export const TrackedArray: new <T>(array?: T[]) => TrackedArray<T>

However, I'm not certain how to get from() and of() in there as well. For my use case this doesn't matter though.

If I use the extended tracked wrapper in this package and do const myArray = tracked([]) then I have the same typing problems because that function returns a TrackedArray<T> which has essentially no methods on it. If it returned T[] I think it would work, should the return types here in decorator.ts be changed?

Actually the following is sufficient (I'm currently only using TrackedArray from this package):

declare module "tracked-built-ins" {
  export class TrackedArray<T> extends Array<T> {}

I understand that the library doesn't want to do class TrackedArray extends Array {...} internally for performance reasons, but as far as typings go the above seems potentially simplest?

Ended up adding the following to prevent a subtle error I encountered while using this library. Any thoughts on this?

declare module "tracked-built-ins" {
  export class TrackedArray<T> extends Array<T> {
     * This member protects against implicitly converting a variable of type
     * `Array<T>` to a variable of type `TrackedArray<T>` which would silently
     * lose autotracking. It prevents errors like the following:
     *   class Foo {
     *     private names = new TrackedArray<string>();
     *     setNames(newNames: string[]) {
     *       this.names = newNames;
     *     }
     *   }
    private readonly _trackedBuiltIn: never

I believe this was resolved by the changes made in #56 and #161 and released in 2.0. Can you confirm that that resolves the issues you were having, @richard-viney?

Yep all seems to be sorted in 2.0. Thanks!