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:zap: A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

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Nested + desc = buggy PyCharm output

lrq3000 opened this issue · comments

Using the desc= parameter with nested progress bars (the inner one) corrupts the output and gets you multiple progress bars like this:


Only two nested progress bars were used in this example.
Removing desc makes it go back to normal.

Reported by @CrazyPython in #87.

@lrq3000 This is not limited to PyCharm. This happens everywhere. Occurs in:

  • Raw terminal
  • PyCharm embedded terminal
  • PyCharm Run/Debug window

Also, if you don't have a desc= parameter, it occurs in the PyCharm Run/Debug window but not any terminal.

It's more important than you think.

@CrazyPython Can you tell me what platform and what version of Python you are using please?

As a guess it may be related to not being able to detect the terminal width correctly due to your environment; and the fallback width only works without a "desc". Or... when I try 2 bars with a large window size and then resize to a small window while they're running (or vice versa) the first bar doesn't resize.

@CrazyPython Could you please try @casperdcl hypothesis please by setting ncols=10 for each tqdm bar in your loop, and see if it fixes some issues? (because I guess there are several ones in this case).

@lrq3000 @casperdcl CrazyPython CI has finally finished. Here are the results:

Environment Result Old Result
Terminal ✓*

And PyCharm embedded terminal is a simple wrapper over the normal terminal so no point in testing that.

* CrazyPython CI has detected an 1 anomaly:

After program exits on terminal, the prompt is left with the junk $ 9.85it/s]

presumably same if you set dynamic_ncols=True?

This is because PYCHARM does not support the "up" control character, so you
cannod get a nice output with multiple progress bars. You either have do
limit yourself to 1 bar or use the os console to run your python script if
you need multiple bars.
Le 25 Oct. 2016 10:56, "Noé Casas" notifications@github.com a écrit :

This happens to me in the Pycharm Python Console without nested bars, just
a normal progress bar. Neither ncols=10 nor dynamic_cols=True have effect.

My environment is Ubuntu 16.04, Python 2.7.11 and Pycharm Community

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can't do anything about pycharm here... if someone want to create a PR which prints a warning for pycharm environments go ahead.

Tracked here now: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-33061
Expected in 2019.1

@jimanvlad Are nested progressbars supposed to work in 2019.3?


You can use "Emulate terminal in output console" under the Execution/Run&Debug window and set leave=False in the nested bar params