tp7309 / flutter_sticky_and_expandable_list

粘性头部与分组列表Sliver实现 Build a grouped list, which support expand/collapse section and sticky headers, support use it with sliver widget.

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Error regarding dispose when scroll halfway through the section and collapse the section

lemy319 opened this issue · comments

I was testing on the custom section animation example and was trying to replace list tile text with an image as shown below, the error happens when i scroll halfway through the section and tap the header to collapse the section.
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone SE (2nd generation) - 2020-09-18 at 14 32 55
Screenshot 2020-09-18 at 1 46 25 PM

Could you give me an example code?

I changed section and items size to 5 in example_custom_section_animation.dart

var sectionList = MockData.getExampleSections(5, 5);

and replace String with Image

class MockData {
  ///return a example list, by default, we have 10 sections,
  ///each section has 5 items.
  static List<ExampleSection> getExampleSections(
      [sectionSize = 10, itemSize = 5]) {
    var sections = List<ExampleSection>();
    for (int i = 0; i < sectionSize; i++) {
      var section = ExampleSection()
        ..header = "Header #$i"
        ..items = List.generate(itemSize, (index) =>''))
        ..expanded = true;
    return sections;
  void dispose() {

Oh great, that get rid of the dispose error, but I also noticed that the scroll behaviour not working properly after collapsing the section, the header will gone at first, and come back when start scrolling, plus, if you scroll to top and scroll back down, the header will not be sticky anymore.

the header will gone at first, and come back when start scrolling:

if you scroll to top and scroll back down, the header will not be sticky anymore:
Header sticky range is [section top, section bottom], when section collapsed, the height of section equals to height of header, so header can not sticky anymore.

Re: Header sticky range is [section top, section bottom], when section collapsed, the height of section equals to height of header, so header can not sticky anymore.

When section collapsed, it looks fine to me that it will not be sticky, however, I noticed headers which are in expanded state will not sticky as well, from the video we can see it looks fine on header0 for not being sticky, but header1 and header2 are in expanded state and they are not sticky as well

scrolling demo

Is you called onStateChanged after animation?

sectionBuilder: (context, containerInfo) => _SectionWidget(
              section: sectionList[containerInfo.sectionIndex],
              containerInfo: containerInfo,
              onStateChanged: () {
                //notify ExpandableListView that expand state has changed.
                WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
                  if (mounted) {
                    setState(() {});

yes, nothing i have changed on the onStateChanged, what i found out is it didn't called the onStateChanged after the controller dispose, so i tried call onStateChanged whenever the controller disposed, and it did get rid of the header not sticky issue

  void dispose() {

I see, or you can always update listview state on animation end:

void _onTap() {
    if (widget.section.isSectionExpanded()) {
      _controller.forward().then((_) {
    } else {
      _controller.reverse().then((_) {

Hmm, I tried that out, but still the same, it also unable to call the onStateChanged because of the controller disposed. Anyway, thank you for working on this package and helping me out. 😃

Thank you for your feedback. 😁