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Clicking "Remember me" then logining in produces 500 Error

debunge opened this issue · comments

I can login only If I leave "Remember me" box unchecked. Trying to debug this, setting Debug=true in bin/leselys but still no error text. I'm not familiar with flask (only django) and don't know where error log is.


python (2.7.3)
celery (3.0.20)
flask (0.10.1)
leselys (0.2.4)
werkzeug (0.9.1)
requests (1.2.3)


Storage: mongodb
Session: memory

Are you using latest git version ? (Sorry, same question 😄 )

I did exactly this:
mkdir leselys && cd leselys
virtualenv .
source bin/activate
pip install leselys
leselys init leselys.ini
leselys serve leselys.ini

In another terminal (in leselys directory)

source bin/activate
leselys worker leselys.ini

don't know how much pip and git versions differ. Should I try last git version?

Also how do I view errors log? I want to hack leselys a little bit...

I think this bug in fixed in git repository but if you want to hack a little more leselys you can install devel version.

git clone leselys
cd leselys
virtualenv virtenv
source virtenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
leselys init leselys.ini
leselys server --debug

You will see more debug 😄
And you have source code easily accessible in current directory.

Fixed in master.