tox-dev / tox-conda

Make tox cooperate with conda envs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Python 3.10 test env

moux233 opened this issue · comments

Hello and thank you for maintaining tox-conda.
I cannot get tox-conda to create a python 3.10. It tries to create a python 3.1 env instead.

I get the following error :
ERROR: FAIL could not package project - v = InvocationError("'C:\Users\maxime_rattier\Miniconda3\Scripts\conda.exe' create --yes -p 'C:\Users\maxime_rattier\Documents\10.Sources\umixapi\.tox\py310-test' python=3.1", 1)

From what I understand the get_py_version function in the module has a regular expression which does not support two-digits python minor version.
I am not familiar enough with regex to propose a patch.

There has been a fix for this some months ago, which version of tox-conda are you using?

Sorry you are right I got stuck with an older version.
