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[Enhancement]: ops.image_text_embedding.clip use local model path

MrRace opened this issue · comments

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What would you like to be added?

ops.image_text_embedding.clip need to support local model path. Maybe like checkpoint_path in

Why is this needed?

I have downloaded many models in a public directory. for example I download clip-vit-base-patch32 from and put the model in /home/model_zoo/CLIP/.
I try the official example : text_image_search/1_build_text_image_search_engine. Therefore I want to modify ops.image_text_embedding.clip(model_name='clip_vit_base_patch16', modality='image') to ops.image_text_embedding.clip(model_name='/home/model_zoo/CLIP/clip-vit-base-patch32', modality='image') which use local model path, However it fails

Anything else?

No response
Clip now supports checkpoint_path, make sure the locally cached clip code is the latest version. Clip now supports checkpoint_path, make sure the locally cached clip code is the latest version.
When set checkpoint_path only:

TypeError: clip() missing 1 required positional argument: 'model_name'

From the source code:

real_name = self._configs()[model_name]

I have to set model_name. When set model_name it will download from network.


checkpoint_path should be your custom trained weights, you also need to specify the model_name to define the model architecture which be compatible with your weights. you can use the model name clip_vit_base_patch32, and checkpoint_path should be your weights file path.

checkpoint_path should be your custom trained weights, you also need to specify the model_name to define the model architecture which be compatible with your weights. you can use the model name clip_vit_base_patch32, and checkpoint_path should be your weights file path.
@wxywb @junjiejiangjjj
we can see the model_name can not beyond the four names. When use checkpoint_path it seems does not need use model_name anymore.


I realized the problem, because the operator's interface initially designed with non-huggingface operators. And we didn't consider the huggingface style model-loading usage. We will make this huggingface style model-loading in soon, thanks for your advice.

seems can fix this problem @wxywb

def create_model(model_name, checkpoint_path, device):
    if checkpoint_path:
        config = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name)
        model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(checkpoint_path, config=config)
        model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_name)
    if hasattr(model, 'pooler') and model.pooler:
        model.pooler = None
    return model

If the local model is a directory containing config.json and weights by saved_pretrained(), you can just use the path to local model directory as model_name.