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Willow won't start

skorokithakis opened this issue · comments

I flashed Willow from the web flasher, but I get this error when starting:

I (00:00:20.841) WILLOW/MAIN: Starting up! Please wait...
I (00:00:20.926) WILLOW/MAIN: SPIFFS mounted
I (00:00:20.926) WILLOW/CONFIG: opening /spiffs/user/config/willow.json
E (00:00:20.988) WILLOW/CONFIG: failed to open /spiffs/user/config/willow.json
W (00:00:25.068) PERIPH_WIFI: WiFi Event cb, Unhandle event_base:WIFI_EVENT, event_id:4
I (00:00:26.568) WILLOW/WAS: initializing WebSocket client (wss://
I (00:00:26.569) WILLOW/WAS: initializing WebSocket client (wss://

***ERROR*** A stack overflow in task websocket_task has been detected.

Backtrace: 0x4037a1be:0x3fcc4b50 0x40383fed:0x3fcc4b70 0x40387a1a:0x3fcc4b90 0x40385d68:0x3fcc4c00 0x403840a4:0x3fcc4c20 0x4038409a:0x4148e269 |<-CORRUPTED

ELF file SHA256: 5622c060075d1bb1

Build:Mar 27 2021
rst:0xc (RTC_SW_CPU_RST),boot:0xa (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x42146a92
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x403c9968

It looks like the willow.json is missing, but why? Could it be because there's a space in my wifi SSID?

I have the same issue after spending a few hours trying to build the image from scratch. It can never find the JSON config file.

I think the willow.json may be a red herring here; if I recall correctly this error is expected on first flash since the config hasn't been pulled from WAS yet. One thing I noticed is that the ssid for Wi-Fi is case sensitive (I was getting errors connecting until I made sure the ssid entered exactly matched what my ap's were advertising). Not sure if spaces in the SSID matter either, I personally don't spaces in mine.

Aw, I've spent so much time on this, and I think I just managed to pack the willow.json into an SPIFFS image that I am now flashing. Too bad about the error message, but then I'm lost on why it doesn't work...

On re-reading the error message, you're right:

A stack overflow in task websocket_task has been detected.

Ugh :( Thank you.

After changing the application server a few times, it still doesn't work. In the end, I deployed the server directly to a port, and had willow talk to it directly, instead of behind a reverse proxy, but no dice:

I (436) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=001dc234 vaddr=4037beW (00:00:04.364) PERIPH_WIFI: WiFi Event cb, Unhandle event_base:WIFI_EVENT, event_id:4
I (00:00:05.865) WILLOW/WAS: initializing WebSocket client (
E (00:00:05.866) WEBSOCKET_CLIENT: There are no transports valid, stop websocket client
I (00:00:05.871) WILLOW/WAS: initializing WebSocket client (
E (00:00:05.880) WEBSOCKET_CLIENT: There are no transports valid, stop websocket client
E (00:00:05.880) WEBSOCKET_CLIENT: Websocket client is not connected
E (00:00:05.896) WILLOW/WAS: failed to send WAS get_config message

Willow is on the wifi network, and I can ping it, and that host is up and responding.

Ok, it works after appending /ws to the URL. It didn't work when I was using any kind of reverse proxy, but running the bare Docker server seems to work.

This could all have been a bit better-documented, but at least it works now.