Tourniquet88 / WPCabLinks.db

A collection of Windows Phone Update package lists

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo contains .txt lists with download links with Update Cabs for many many different WP Builds! Please be aware I haven't tested any of these yet, just filtered the links to each build so it's up to the user to know how to install and debug any issues installing


  • Some lists will just be Language packs.
  • Some builds (17xxx) are for Hololens
  • Some Canonical build lists have both spkg and cbs cabs in the .txt

Canonical -

"Full" packages like when OTC Updater is used to manually update a Device

Delta -

These are "Update" packages, you will need to be on the build Specified on a Delta Folder, example: 10.0.14903.1000 (rs_prerelease.160809-1700)\Delta (10.0.14902.1000 (rs_prerelease.160808-1700))

You will need to be on build 10.0.14902.1000 (rs_prerelease.160808-1700) before using the Delta 10.0.14903.1000 (rs_prerelease.160809-1700) packages.

Removal -

These are used to remove currently Installed Packages from a Device


A collection of Windows Phone Update package lists