toshi0383 / TVMLKitchen

Swifty TVML template manager with or without client-server

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"UIMainStoryboardFile" setting conflicts with Kitchen

toshi0383 opened this issue · comments


If Info.plist's UIMainStoryboardFile is set, the app happen to have 2 UIWindows in parallel.
Either one who is keyWindow gets focused.

Currently Kitchen holds its own UIWindow in private sharedKitchen instance, and uses it to create a TVApplicationController instance.
Looks like this UIWindow conflicts with UIMainStoryboardFile's UIWindow.


The app have one UIWindow and Kitchen will share that instance.
That's said, Views appears in same view hierarchy, not in parallel in different windows.

Possible solutions (Investigation Needed)

  1. Detect other UIWindow existence in prepare phase and yell out that something is wrong.
  2. Add capability to pass a specific UIWindow instance to Kitchen, so Kitchen can use it to instantiate a TVApplicationController in prepare phase. (Don't know if it works)
  3. Make Kitchen's UIWindow always on top. (Maybe configurable via windowLevel property?)

Current behavior can be observed in this branch's SampleRecipe app.

In this session in WWDC 2016, multi UIWindow solution is mentioned...

"Host the navigationController" is our current only solution.

I know we can do something like this to avoid conflicting window.

    var mainWindow: UIWindow {
        return (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).window!
    func presentTVML() {
        mainWindow.isHidden = true
        Kitchen.serve(xmlFile: "Foo.tvml")

But I don't know what the trigger should be for going back to the mainWindow scene yet.

But I don't know what the trigger should be for going back to the mainWindow scene yet.

Looks like UINavigationConrollerDelegate can answer this question.

    // AppDelegate.swift
        // push empty viewcontroller at index 0 after `prepare`.
        _ = Kitchen.prepare(cookbook)
        Kitchen.navigationController.pushViewController(UIViewController(), animated: false)
    func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController, willShow viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
        if viewController == Kitchen.navigationController.viewControllers[0] {
            mainWindow.isHidden = false

So here is another solution.
Support multiple window! #98
Just supports Kitchen.serve(urlString:...) for now.