toshahriar / docker-commons

All common docker scripts in one place

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docker Commons

This is a personal project which consists some common services configured to run via docker scripts to use centrally for applications in local development.

The problem this project solves is that during development in multiple projects, sometime they have their own services (MySQL, Redis, etc.) which already takes lots of resources by itself and having to run same services multiple times for multiple projects is too much for your system. Also most of the time those services configurations & versions are not much different in each project. Or those differences might not matter to you. Also keeping up with remembering all the publish ports of these services can be quite difficult.

As these things became a problem for me and also inspired by LaraDock project, I made this docker script to easily manage them centrally from one place. Also made it configurable to run only those services you need.

I have tested it mostly in a Linux environment, but I also tried to add some support for Windows OS. If your Windows OS supports WSL2, I highly encourage you to use that.


Name In Compose Require Image Build Network Alias
Adminer adminer
Cassandra cassandra common-cassandra
ElasticSearch elasticsearch Yes common-elasticsearch
Grafana grafana
Jaeger grafana common-jaeger
Kibana kibana Yes
Mailhog mailhog common-mailhog
MinIO minio common-minio
MinIO Client (MC) minio-client
MySQL mysql common-mysql
NFS Server nfs-server
OpenLDAP ldap common-ldap
Oracle oracle Yes common-oracle
RabbitMQ rabbitmq common-rabbitmq
Redis redis common-redis
Redis Commander redis-commander
Redis Sentinel redis-sentinel common-redis-sentinel
RediSearch redisearch Yes common-redisearch
Traefik traefik traefik
Volume Backup volume-backup
Volume Restore volume-restore
Postgres postgres common-postgres
Mongo mongo common-mongo

Note: The following services will not work in Windows Host Machine. You will have to use it inside WSL2 Distribution.

  • NFS Server

Tested Docker Version

  • Docker Engine v20.10+
  • Docker Compose v1.29+

Setup Process

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt.
  2. Git clone the project to a path and cd to it. If possible open the directory in an IDE.
  3. You will have to create files from example files. You can simply run the (Linux) / copy-examples.bat (Windows) file to auto-create them or create them manually as below by copying them. Special note: DO NOT DELETE EXAMPLE FILES. These are kept for reference.
    • .env.example -> .env
    • docker-compose.override.example.yml -> docker-compose.override.yml
    • .envs/{name}.example.env -> .envs/{name}.env
  4. In file ./.env, you will have to update the values per your need.
    • COMPOSE_FILE: Mention the docker-compose.override.{name}.yml files you will want to use. Keep the docker-compose.override.yml file at the end. Use separator : for Linux or ; for Windows.
    • COMPOSE_PATH_SEPARATOR: Use separator : for Linux or ; for Windows.
    • Rest details are written in the file as comments. Read and do update as you need.
  5. In file ./docker-compose.override.yml, you will have to update the values per your need.
    • Remove any service sections you will not use.
    • Modify any settings you want to add or remove as you need.
  6. Files in .envs/{name}.env, update them as you need.
  7. Run docker-compose pull to pull/download all the images. Sometimes it will stop due to network error, just re-run it.
  8. Run docker network create common-net. We will use this network to connect internally from our applications.
  9. (Optional) If you want to use Traefik, run docker network create common-traefik-net. We will use this network to serve web requests using domain names to our application's web server.
  10. (Optional) If you are using any of the services that require image to build, run docker-compose build <service-name> to build those images.

Running Services

  • Run all services quickly by docker-compose up -d or...
  • Run specific services only by docker-compose up -d <service1> <service2> ...
    • Ex. docker-compose up -d adminer mysql

Checking Services Status

  • Check services status by docker-compose ps.
  • If need to check logs, run docker-compose logs --tail=100 <service-name>.

Stoping Services

  • Stop all services quickly by docker-compose down or...
  • Stop specific services only by docker-compose rm -sf <service1> <service2> ...
    • Ex. docker-compose rm -sf adminer mysql

General Usage in Applications

The general idea is to connect your application container network to the common-net and use that service's network alias name as host name and that service's container port number to connect to that service.

For example, lets say you want to connect to MySQL. You application's docker compose file may look something like this:

    external: true

      - common-net

And in you application database configuration:

  • Database Hostname as common-mysql
  • Database Port as 3306

Then start/restart your application container and will be connected to MySQL.

This is the general approach for most of these services to be connected with your application.

Service Specific Details

NFS server

After starting the container, you have to mount nfs server in your host machine. To get container IP, you can use ifconfig or hostname -I or any other method you know.

sudo mount -v -o vers=4,loud <container-ip>:/ /path/to/mount

Important: In your development machine, be sure to unmount the path, otherwise may cause issues. To unmount:

sudo umount /path/to/mount


Can I run this in production?

While this is made for local development usage, it can be used in production with some caveats. There are might be some configurations that you may need to change or you may same some special case that may not be possible with current project structure. Also there are security concern that you should worry about. In that case, you will have to use your own approach to serve your need. It maybe by mounting config files in the container, using a different image or simply running a native service solution.

Future Plans

  • Make it work with Podman.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


All common docker scripts in one place

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 50.2%Language:Batchfile 36.4%Language:Shell 13.4%