toscanini / maestro

Container orchestration for Docker environments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bypass `require` when starting individual nodes

zbal opened this issue · comments

The require in the maestro config file is very useful, especially when dealing with a full environment, but somehow blocking when dealing with individual boxes within an env.

Ex. have 2 boxes; 1 web, 1 DB -- web wait for DB to be up. When spinning only web for some limited testing (db being stopped) the start never completes since it never match the require statement.

Not sure if it make sense for everybody else - but I'd love to be able to bypass the require; either automatically or via a special flag on the CLI.

👍 also: is this still in development? 2 months seem ages, for a project like this 🎱