toscanini / maestro

Container orchestration for Docker environments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't run on Docker 0.5.2 out of the box

kstaken opened this issue · comments

Docker 0.5.2 switched from listening on a network port to a unix socket due to a security issue. The docker-py library currently requires a network socket to communicate with Docker so Maestro will not run on Docker 0.5.2 without re-enabling the localhost binding of the Docker daemon.

Work around is to rebind docker via TCP:
/usr/bin/docker -d -H=tcp://

But this should really not be necessary as it reopens the security issue that Docker 0.5.2 was released to fix.

This is fixed in master for docker-py so direct connections through the unix socket now work. Now requires commands to be run with root privs.