torwag / remarkableflash

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Status-update !!!

This repro is still working. However, we have now an much more automized process to get into the rM. Please follow

The description below remains for reference as it shows more deeply what is going on during boot.


This repro includes tools and docs to flash a new image to a remarkable tablet.

WIP and be aware... Here be dragons

Install the build chain

1. Preparation

Create a development folder for remarkable development

mkdir ~/remarkable_dev
cd remarkable_dev

1. Install the remarkable SDK

chmod +x
  • You will be asked where to install it. Default will be /opt/poky/2.1.3. You might change it to a folder in your developer directory e.g. ~/remarkable_dev/poky.
  • Whenever, you want to compile something for the remarkable you have to source the set-up script. This will set all environmental parameters thus, that a build will be created for the remarkable and not the host PC. It is advisable to keep a terminal open for cross-compiling and another one to work on the host-machine. Note the dot in front it is important
. poky/environment-setup-cortexa9hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi

2. Build uboot

  • Clone uboot from the remarkable github page. Configure it via make and build it. Make sure you sourced the poky environment in the very same terminal (see step 1).
cd ~/remarkable_dev
git clone
cd uboot
make zero-gravitas_defconfig

3. Build the linux kernel for remarkable

  • Clone the linux kernel from the remarkable github page. Configure it via make.
cd ~/remarkable_dev
git clone
cd linux
make zero-gravitas_defconfig
  • To get access via a serial terminal, modify the generated config file manually. Search in .config for the lines
# CONFIG_USB_ACM is not set

and change it to

  • Run the build process via make (good time to get a coffee or tea, as this can take some time...)

4. Build the IMX_USB tool

  • Clone the imx_usb_loader from the remarkable github page. Configure it via make and build it. This is a tool for the host machine. Compile it with your standard build set-up NOT the remarkable SDK (e.g. use another terminal shell).
cd ~/remarkable_dev
git clone
cd imx_usb_loader

5. Adapt the config_file for remarkable

Within the imx_usb_loader folder different configuration files can be found for different boards. The remarkable tablet will be configured via zero-gravitas.conf. Open it and adjust the paths according to your set-up. If you followed this manual it should be (all comments removed):

../linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage:load 0x82000000
../linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/zero-gravitas.dtb:load 0x88000000
initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot:load 0x89000000
../uboot/u-boot.imx:clear_dcd,plug,jump header

6. Start the kernel

  • Attach the rM tablet via USB to the host machine
  • Power-off the rM tablet
  • Set it into upload mode, by pressing the middle button and then the power button. The display will not change, there will be no feedback!
  • To control if the mode was set type:

One of the last messages should be something (usb address might be different) like:

 hid-generic 0003:15A2:0063.0008: hiddev1,hidraw3: USB HID v1.10 Device [Freescale SemiConductor Inc  SE Blank MEGREZ] on usb-0000:00:1a.0-1.3/input0
  • Run the imx_usb command (might need root access)
sudo ./imx_usb
  • In the shell,you should see the upload of files
config file <./imx_usb.conf>
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0063 file_name=zero-gravitas.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0061 file_name=zero-gravitas.conf
vid=0x066f pid=0x3780 file_name=mx23_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x004f file_name=mx28_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0052 file_name=mx50_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0054 file_name=mx6_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0063 file_name=mx6_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0071 file_name=mx6_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x007d file_name=mx6_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0076 file_name=mx7_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x0041 file_name=mx51_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x004e file_name=mx53_usb_work.conf
vid=0x15a2 pid=0x006a file_name=vybrid_usb_work.conf
vid=0x066f pid=0x37ff file_name=linux_gadget.conf
config file <./zero-gravitas.conf>
parse ./zero-gravitas.conf
15a2:0063(mx6_qsb) bConfigurationValue =1
Interface 0 claimed
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
== work item
filename ../uboot/u-boot.imx
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x13f00000
dcd 1
clear_dcd 0
plug 1
jump_mode 0
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item

<<<0, 528 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x128a8a12)
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
jump_mode 0 plug=0 err=0
== work item
filename ../linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x82000000
dcd 0
clear_dcd 0
plug 0
jump_mode 0
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item

loading binary file(../linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage) to 82000000, skip=0, fsize=404380 type=0

<<<4211584, 4211584 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x88888888)
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
jump_mode 0 plug=0 err=0
== work item
filename ../linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/zero-gravitas.dtb
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x88000000
dcd 0
clear_dcd 0
plug 0
jump_mode 0
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item

loading binary file(../linux/arch/arm/boot/dts/zero-gravitas.dtb) to 88000000, skip=0, fsize=7858 type=0

<<<30808, 30808 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x88888888)
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
jump_mode 0 plug=0 err=0
== work item
filename initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x89000000
dcd 0
clear_dcd 0
plug 0
jump_mode 0
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item

loading binary file(initramfs.cpio.gz.uboot) to 89000000, skip=0, fsize=9df6b2 type=0

<<<10352306, 10352306 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x88888888)
HAB security state: development mode (0x56787856)
jump_mode 0 plug=0 err=0
== work item
filename ../uboot/u-boot.imx
load_size 0 bytes
load_addr 0x13f00000
dcd 0
clear_dcd 1
plug 1
jump_mode 2
jump_addr 0x00000000
== end work item
clear dcd_ptr=0x877ff42c

loading binary file(../uboot/u-boot.imx) to 877ff400, skip=0, fsize=36c00 type=aa

<<<224256, 224256 bytes>>>
succeeded (status 0x88888888)
jumping to 0x877ff400
  • The rM tablet display might refresh and the message reMarkable is starting might appear. However, the tablet remains unresponsive at this point.

7. Access the remarkable via the UART interface

  • Check with dmesg the current output, there should be a line like:
cdc_acm 1-1.3:1.2: ttyACM0: USB ACM device
  • Note the name of the serial device (it might differ from distro to distro). To access the tablet use a serial communication program like minicom, picocom or even screen (you might need sudo rights)
screen /dev/ttyACM0
  • A login prompt will appear:
Poky (Yocto Project Reference Distro) 1.8.1 imx6dlsabresd /dev/ttyGS0
imx6dlsabresd login: 
  • Use root as password

8. Mount the internal flash memory partitions

  • The entire visible system is the initramfs within the rM RAM. Thus, the flash memory partitions of the real system have to be mounted.
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /mnt/
mount /dev/mmcblk1p7 /mnt/home
mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt/var/lib/uboot
  • For convince, one can chroot into the real system.
chroot /mnt
  • You can now change settings or reset passwords, etc. After you finished, type
exit #if you used the chroot

to restart the rM tablet and boot into the normal operation mode.