torkan-gh / AutoJawSegment

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Implementation of Paper: A simulation-friendly auto segmentation method for individual tooth and bones

Backbone model: Multi-Planar U-Net

Most of the repository is based on the official implemenation of original Multi-Planar U-Net. Please follow for the general installation and usage of Multi-Planar U-Net

But make sure you clone from the current repository.

Teeth-bone Specific Pipeline with Transfer learning and Instance segmentation post-processing

Initializing two projects, one for pretraining on inaccurate data, and one for fine-tuning as follows:

# Initialize a project for pretraining
mp init_project --name my_pretraining_project --data_dir ./pretraining_data_folder
# Initialize a project for pretraining
mp init_project --name my_finetune_project --data_dir ./fineune_data_folder

The YAML file named train_hparams.yaml, which stores all hyperparameters will also be created for the two projects respectively. Any parameter in this file may be specified manually, but can all be set automatically. Please follow original MPUNet for the data format


The model can now be pre-trained as follows:

cd my_pretraining_project
mp train --num_GPUs=1   # Any number of GPUs (or 0)


The standard fine-tuning process without disatance weight map can be applied by invoking

# make sure you are at root dir
cd my_finetune_project
mp train --num_GPUs=1 --overwrite --transfer_last_layer --force_GPU=0 \
--initialize_from '../my_pretraining_project/model/@epoch_xxx_val_dice_xxxx.h5'

Make sure you change xxx according to the .h5 file of the model generated from pre-training step

Fine-tuning with weight_map loss

To fine-tune with the weight_map loss for emphasizing the gap between teeth and bones in the loss function, make sure you first compute the weight_map based on the label maps of your training data. You can compute and store them by invoking the following command, but make sure you have modified the path to your fine-tuning dataset. You can also change the hyperparameters (std and erosion radius in the __main__ function)

python mpunet/preprocessing/

After the weight maps are stored on disk, you can fine-tune with weight_map loss by invoking

# make sure you are at root dir
cd my_finetune_project
mp train --num_GPUs=1 --overwrite \
--distance_loss --transfer_last_layer \
--distance_map_folder weight_maps \
--initialize_from '../my_pretraining_project/model/@epoch_xxx_val_dice_xxxx.h5'

Make sure you change xxx according to the .h5 file of the model generated from pre-training step

Fine-tuning with double weight_map loss

In order to enforce not only on gaps between teeth and bones, but also between neighboring teeth to the loss function, we need to first label each tooth with a different integer from the ground truth. To do this, run

python mpunet/preprocessing/

Note that this process can be very memory-consuming. Then, run the same command to compute the weigh map.

python mpunet/preprocessing/

Interative Fine-tuning

To do Interative fine-tuning with the weight_map loss, make sure you first put the new training dataset to the data_dir, then compute the weight_map based on the labels of your new training data. You can compute and store them by invoking the following command, but make sure you have modified the path to your fine-tuning dataset. You can also change the hyperparameters (std and erosion radius in the __main__ function)

python mpunet/preprocessing/

After the weight maps are stored on disk, you can fine-tune with weight_map loss by invoking the following, basically remove --initialize_from and --transfer_last_layer tag and change --overwrite to --continue

# make sure you are at root dir
cd my_finetune_project
mp train --num_GPUs=1 --continue --distance_loss \
--distance_map_folder weight_maps

Make sure you change xxx according to the .h5 file of the model generated from pre-training step


The trained model can now be evaluated on the testing data in data_folder/test by invoking:

mp predict --num_GPUs=1 \
--force_GPU=0 \
--sum_fusion \
--overwrite \
--no_eval \
--by_radius \
--out_dir predictions 

note that the --sum_fusion tag is essential since we are not training another fusion model. --by_radius tage is also essential in ensuring different sampling strategy during training and testing to avoid incomplete boundaries, as mentioned in the paper.

This will create a folder my_project/predictions storing the predicted images along with dice coefficient performance metrics.

Individual Tooth Segmention with Post-Processing

The proposed watershed works on the UNet output probability map (for the teeth class). In order to get the fused (averaged) probability map (the softmax score) before argmax of MPUNet, run the following prediction command. Note that save_single_class is the interger label for the teeth class, which is 2 in our case.

mp predict --num_GPUs=1 --save_single_class=2 \
--sum_fusion \
--overwrite --by_radius \
--no_eval --out_dir prob_maps \

After you get the probability maps, run the following to get different labels for each tooth.

python instance_seg/watershed

Default hyperprameters are given in the main function but will probably need to be adapted for specific use case, e.g., the open radius. Note that they denote number of voxels, so will probably also need to adapt to new voxel sizes.

The watershed will only work on the teeth class until the very end, where it will combine with the bone class that was generated by the mp predict command without the argument --no_argmax. Therefore, please also make sure that the integer results are stored

The bone class labels with 1. A straightforward Connected Component Decomposition while keeping the largest two components to remove small disconnected false positives suffice to further separate maxilla and mandibles. You can do this by running

python postprocessing/ccd

Evaluate/Numerical Validation

The results can be evaluated on the testing data to get DICE, GapDICE, and Hausdoff Distance, and ASSD by running

python mpunet/evaluate/ 

This will print the mean and standard deviation for the 4 metrics, as well as generate .csv files for the score for each image. You can use simple a script or Excel functions to get the mean and std of the overall performance

Final Finite Element Model

Much of the motivation of this project is under a larger project: Open-Full-Jaw: An open-access dataset and pipeline for finite element models of human jaw

available at

The auto segmentation of teeth and bones is the essential first step to generate patient-specific jaw finite element model for simulation studies.

The generated surface mesh via marching cubes algorithm over the auto segmentation results is under the folder RawSegment.

The cleaning and remeshing can be applied automatically following the instruction. These operations are necessary to remove too dense or irregular triangles, which is usually due to the artefacts from marching cubes rather than segmentation qualities.

The cleaned surface mesh from RawSegment is under CleanSegment folder in .obj format. Please refer to the CartiGen and later folders for the generated cartilage and the simulation results on it.



License:MIT License


Language:Python 93.6%Language:Jupyter Notebook 6.4%Language:Shell 0.1%