torch2424 / live-stream-radio

24/7 live stream video radio station CLI / API πŸ“Ή πŸ“»

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Audio & Video directory

orophix opened this issue Β· comments

inside config.json:

 "radio": {
    "audio_directory": "mnt/streamstorage/music/chillstation/",
    "video_directory": "mnt/streamstorage/video/chillstation",


(node:24226) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: **/home/stream1/chillstation/**mnt/streamstorage/music/chillstation/ does not exist.
    at Object.notExist (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/live-stream-radio/node_modules/find/index.js:41:12)
    at traverseSync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/live-stream-radio/node_modules/find/index.js:224:38)
    at Object.find.(anonymous function) [as fileSync] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/live-stream-radio/node_modules/find/index.js:374:5)

Why is it forcing it to read the home path etc.. ?

can you try to add a foreslash infront of the mnt? It seems as it's trying to just append your path to your working directory.


Also, does the fs loading even accept absolute paths? I am not sure on this @torch2424

@andreasWebDev Dude you are always on it with the issues thank you haha! πŸ˜„

Yes, FS should support absolute paths. But currently, I think think that we do 😒 Maybe they can do some symbolic linking to map it to the correct map int he meantime? Definitely should be something we should fix though. If the path starts with a slash, assume it's absolute?


Has this been updated yet @torch2424 or do I still need to use symbolic links?

@dropitlikecross (nice username), unfortunately haven't had time for the project because of my WASM Gameboy thing, and Kingdom Hearts 3. 😞

If possible use Symbolic links for now. Thanks! πŸ˜„