torch / DEPRECEATED-torch7-distro

Torch7: state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

setnumthreads not working

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Hi everyone,
I have installed the torch on my local machine with all dependencies and so when I set the number of threads to 4, my code utilizes 4 cpus. However, on our cluster I don't have the root access but we do have some modules already installed ,including CUDA, OpenBlas, GCC4.9, MKL, cmake 3.2.0 lapack, mkl.
But when I compile the torch7 without the dependencies, only 1 cpu is used with my code. I can't understand what I have done wrong, but my guess is that I need to load more libraries. Any ideas?