torch / DEPRECEATED-torch7-distro

Torch7: state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hide Application Icon on OSX

rosejn opened this issue · comments

When running a torch process (or 16 in my case) on the terminal in OSX, for some reason it brings up application icons in the dock and application switcher. This should only happen for GUI apps that are meant to be switched between, so by default torch should be hidden and only show itself when there is a GUI.

In a normal application (i.e. /Applications/ there is a setting in the Info.plist that ca be used to hide processes from the dock and application switcher:

This opens the Finder's main file. You'll need to add some text to it after dict node:

< key > NSUIElement < /key >
< string > 1 < /string >

In the case of torch maybe if it were packaged different this could work?