topolvm / topolvm

Capacity-aware CSI plugin for Kubernetes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ability to add `initConatiners` to services

naemono opened this issue · comments

What should the feature do:

Having the ability to add custom initContainers could help with situation where there are custom requirements that need to happen before topolvm comes online.

What is use case behind this feature:

Think of the situation where there's a daemonset that needs to initialize a node's local disks prior to topolvm running, or certain things will be missing, such as Volume Groups, etc. This could allow adding an initContainer that polls for certain objects prior to starting to avoid throwing errors, and crashing.

I'm going to be adding a PR for this issue to see how you all feel about adding this feature.

I have read your PR. It includes a change that makes it look like you can add initContainer to the controller as well, is there any use case for this one?

@naemono Hello. I have read your PR. It includes a change that makes it look like you can add initContainer to the controller as well, is there any use case for this one?

I frankly added this for consistency. I'm unsure of the use case for an init container for the controller, but I thought it best to be consistent. Please let me know if you'd prefer me to remove that.

I see. I just asked out of curiosity.