topjohnwu / Magisk

The Magic Mask for Android

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Magisk not installing flashed with fastboot

mike855 opened this issue · comments

Device: Redmi note 9 pro (miatoll)
Android version: Lineages 21 with microg (android 14)
Magisk version name: Magisk debug
Magisk version code: 27002


I flashed patched boot image with fastboot, and nothing changed, Magisk is not installed.
Magisk apk v27 installed with adb then updated from phone with debug apk
Note that flashed boot was patched with version 27, not debug. I just repatched with debug for the issue.

(Screenshot, boot.img and patched and log attached)

Boot.IMG :

Patched boot :


can you try /system/bin/magisk su in adb shell?

joyeuse:/ $ /system/bin/magisk su Permission denied 13|joyeuse:/ $

the magisk app should pop up a su request dialog, please grant access to it

I don't have any prompt. I get the Permission denied instantly.
what means : 13|joyeuse
That is the android version before the pipe? Because I'm android 13.
I think I had magisk before upgrading with 14, then I uninstalled it. I forgot If I wiped data after that. So maybe there are still traces of previous installation?

maybe you can try to install a shell emulator app and try /system/bin/magisk su.

I dont have acces to /system with termux as the phone is not rooted.
Is there a way to remove all traces of eventual previous magisk installations?

/system is accessible to all apps.

Can't cd or ls /system in termux.

I passed the command with succes with adb by doing "adb root". Then in adb shell I passed with succes the "/system/bin/magisk su" command.
But I got no prompt on the phone

/system is always accessible to all apps, otherwise apps cannot use system libraries.

as you can use adb root, are you using a customized rom? if so, it should be #6914

I use LineageOS for microg wich is a fork of LineageOS. So it is custom LineageOS^^
I take a look at #6914

Duplicate of #6914