topdown / VVV-Dashboard

Dashboard for Varying Vagrant Vagrants

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

VVV2 already consists of dashboard folder.

mukeshwani opened this issue · comments

Hi, I just finished setting up VVV2 and was attempting to clone this repo per the instructions however there is already a dashboard folder in my VVV/www/default/ folder. Should I override the folder or is there something else I'm missing.

I see what they did. I'll have to do some renaming and code changes.
Hang tight.

Not at all, we moved the dashboard to a git repo, and it can now be overriden in vvv-custom.yml via:

  repo: ....
  branch: ...

It's available on the develop branch and lands in v2.2

I tried it that way, but it failed. I see the default VVV Dashboard. What is missing?


Please have a look at your comment here:

Not at all, we moved the dashboard to a git repo, and it can now be overriden in vvv-custom.yml via:

repo: ....
branch: ...

It's available on the develop branch and lands in v2.2

hmmm a miscommunication, delete the dashboard folder, modify vvv-custom.yml then reprovision, and it will checkout that repo/branch that was specified.

If that doesn't work I'll need to see the provisioner log