topdown / VVV-Dashboard

Dashboard for Varying Vagrant Vagrants

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Utilizing Duplicator, TopDown and Variable VVV

islanddog opened this issue · comments

Not really an issue but more of a question. I recently setup a Vagrant box as it is becoming more and more the standard for local WordPress development. I wanted to translate the sites from DesktopServer or my Live Environment over to the Vagrant box and wanted opinion on the best way to handle it. I am currently using Variable VVV and TopDown for the dashboard however I use:

vv create --blank-with-db

To provision the database, setup the host file and all the other amazingness it handles. Only problem is VVV-Dashboard does not show its a WordPress site even after I use Duplicator to deploy the site. This isn't a huge issue it just bugs me when the WP Version and Actions area are blank. If someone could give me a better route or fix for this I would greatly appreciate it.

#35 - Read through after posting. Thanks for the fix.