topa / ngx-dropzone-wrapper

Angular 2 wrapper library for dropzone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular Dropzone Wrapper

npm version

This is an Angular wrapper library for the Dropzone.

See a live example application here.

Building the library

npm install
npm run build

Running the example

cd example
npm install
npm start

Installing and usage

npm install ngx-dropzone-wrapper --save-dev
Load the module for your app (with global configuration):
import { DropzoneModule } from 'ngx-dropzone-wrapper';
import { DropzoneConfigInterface } from 'ngx-dropzone-wrapper';

const DROPZONE_CONFIG: DropzoneConfigInterface = {
  // Change this to your upload POST address:
  server: '',
  maxFilesize: 50,
  acceptedFiles: 'image/*'

  imports: [
Use it in your html template (with custom configuration):

This library provides two ways to create a Dropzone element, simple component and custom directive.


Simply replace the element that would oridinarily be passed to Dropzone with the dropzone component.

<dropzone [config]="config" [message]="'Click or drag images here to upload'" (error)="onUploadError($event)" (success)="onUploadSuccess($event)"></dropzone>
[config]          // Custom config to override the global defaults.
[message]         // Message to show for the user on the upload area.
[placeholder]     // Placeholder image to be shown as the upload area.

(error)           // Event handler for the dropzone upload error event.
(success)         // Event handler for the dropzone upload success event.
(canceled)        // Event handler for the dropzone upload canceled event.


When using only the directive you need to provide your own theming or import the default theme:

@import '';

Dropzone directive can be used in form or div element with optional custom configuration:

<div [dropzone]="config" (error)="onUploadError($event)" (success)="onUploadSuccess($event)"></div>
[dropzone]        // Can be used to provide optional custom config.

(error)           // Event handler for the dropzone upload error event.
(success)         // Event handler for the dropzone upload success event.
(canceled)        // Event handler for the dropzone upload canceled event.
Available configuration options (custom / global configuration):

This library supports all Dropzone configuration options and few custom extra options for easier usage.


server            // Server url for sending the upload request (Default: '').
params            // Url parameters to be added to the server url (Default: null).

autoReset         // Time for resetting component after upload (Default: null).
errorReset        // Time for resetting component after an error (Default: null).
cancelReset       // Time for resetting component after canceling (Default: null).


method            // HTTP method to use communicating with the server (Default: 'post').
headers           // Object of additional headers to send to the server (Default: null).
paramName         // Name of the file parameter that gets transferred (Default: 'file').
maxFilesize       // Maximum file size for the upload files in megabytes (Default: null).
acceptedFiles     // Comma separated list of mime types or file extensions (Default: null).

For more detailed documentation with all the supported dropzone options see Dropzone documentation.


Angular 2 wrapper library for dropzone

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 50.0%Language:JavaScript 25.0%Language:HTML 16.1%Language:CSS 9.0%