Bakery - Short user guide Philipp Naumann and Marcus Soll ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Contents: 0. Introduction 1. Dependencies 2. Building 3. Graphical user interface 4. Command-line interface 5. Source code documentation ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0. Introduction Bakery is a framework to compute solutions for the shape packing problem as described by Bennell and Oliveira (J. A. Bennell and J. F. Oliveira. A tutorial in irregular shape packing problems. The Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60:s93–s105, 2009). Bakery was the winning entry of the InformatiCup 2016. For more information see: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Dependencies To build and run Bakery Qt 5.4 or later is required. See for more information. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Building The recommended way to build Bakery is to use QtCreator. Open "". If not already done configure the project by selecting a kit and press the button "Configure Project". Use the "Build All" command to start the building process. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Graphical user interface You can start the GUI from QtCreator by chosing run target "gui" (click on the computer in the left panel) and executing the "Run" command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Command-line interface There is no convenient way to use the command-line interface from QtCreator. To be able to start the binary from the command line libbakery may need to to be added to the linker's library path on Mac, Linux: Mac: export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:[path to libbakery]" Linux: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LB_LIBRARY_PATH:[path to libbakery]" On Windows Qt has to be in the PATH: Windows: set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Qt\Qt5.5.1\5.5\mingw492_32\bin (if the installed version is 5.5.1 (MinGW32)) By default there is no time limit. To impose a time limit use the -t/--time-limit parameter. A full list of available parameters may be obtained by using the switch -h/--help. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Source code documentation The source code documentation can be build by using Doxygen ( By default doxygen creates output as html, latex and Qt helpfile. To generate the documentation switch the working directory to the bakery directory and use the following command: doxygen