tooling / book-of-modern-frontend-tooling

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Add Lineman under 'Scaffolding'?

codejet opened this issue · comments

Good idea. I think it would be useful to have a chapter on it in this book if we can find an author willing to commit.

cc @searls @davemo in case they would be interested in fleshing out a chapter on it.


Awesome! Would you mind if I assigned the chapter to you? The way we've been approaching this for the other tools is working out a chapter structure that explains the tool as per (see #2) in this thread and then work on the content depending on your availability to etc :)

Right on. Someone at @testdouble or me will do it (but probably me). I'll take a look Monday!

Awesome. SGTM! Thanks for getting involved :)

Heads up that I haven't forgotten about this, we just got slammed during the Codemash conference and the subsequent catch-up. Working with my team now to figure out who has the time and interest to contribute.

We appreciate the update. Looking forward to hearing your game plan for the chapter. Thanks @searls :)

Hi @addyosmani, @searls wanted me to touch base with you. Is there a certain chapter length you're looking to stay within? I'm looking forward to helping put together a chapter about Lineman!

I would take a look through our existing issues discussing chapter structure for Grunt/Gulp to get a feel for chapter length. We're very flexible on chapter length and we're open to iteratively improving on content and length as time allows.