tonytomov / jqGrid

jQuery grid plugin


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect permutation after sorting columns with column chooser

mrcanon opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone,
I have some columns shown by default on the first load.

Then I show the Column Picker. The list of columns is displayed in the following order:
Label Name
SAP Data Ready
GHS Language
Attention To


I then change the column order:
Attention To
Label Name
SAP Data Ready
GHS Language


My expectation is that the grid table will display the result:
Attention To
Label Name
SAP Data Ready


But the current result is:
The column "SAP Data Ready" has been moved to the bottom of the table instead of being behind the original Label Name column

Version: jqGrid 3.8.2

Did you men 5.8.2 version or it is 3.8.2?