tonytomov / jqGrid

jQuery grid plugin


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Vurtual Scroll on mobile

nemo3000 opened this issue · comments

Good morning,
I have a problem using virtual scroll on mobile devices.
In the desktop version it works correctly but on the mobile it shows only the first page, when I get to the end of the block nothing happens and I scroll down the entire browser page.
To my configuration I have only added:
scroll: 1,
emptyrecords: 'Scroll down',
Do you have suggestions?

Virtual scrolling is not tested on mobile devices, but in principle it should work.
This was implemented in jqGrid Mobile, but this product is no more supported.

Moreover the information you give is not enough.
This example works fine on my mobile device.

You maybe need to specify which jqGrid CSS framework is used, which mobile os, which browser and if possible give us a demo code.