tonyravioli / dongerdong

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Exception thrown when you ask for stats for an account name rather than a nick

tonyravioli opened this issue · comments


DEBUG:bearded-potato-donger:command: pubmsg, source: ravioli!~ravioli@unaffiliated/ravioli, target: #donger, arguments: ['!stats MRX']
Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method Donger._pubmsg of <__main__.Donger object at 0x22ee610>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 374, in _pubmsg
    if cli.channels[].users[nick.lower()].account != None:
KeyError: 'mrx'

What's up with that "!= None" thing? I don't even know what that line's doing.

That line tries to check if the user passed a nick of an identified
user... would have to add a try... except thing around it

2015-03-06 11:00 GMT-03:00, Pasta Ravioli


DEBUG:bearded-potato-donger:command: pubmsg, source:
ravioli!~ravioli@unaffiliated/ravioli, target: #donger, arguments: ['!stats
Unhandled exception in thread started by <bound method Donger._pubmsg of
<__main__.Donger object at 0x22ee610>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 374, in _pubmsg
    if cli.channels[].users[nick.lower()].account != None:
KeyError: 'mrx'

What's up with that "!= None" thing? I don't even know what that line's

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