Tonyntje / React-Shopping-List

Exercise: React Shopping List and Shopping Cart

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A new React Project: where to start?

The following is a guideline on how to get started with this new React project.

The main points to keep in mind are:

  • Consider – what exactly is asked in the assignment? What does it take?
  • What data should I store (structure of state)
  • Which components should I built
  • Which components am I going to make "smart": manage the functions and state
  • What stupid components will hang underneath: receive props and visualize what you want to show

Drawing – draw the framework/skeleton of all the above points

Also, think about the structure and files of the different parts (don't forget that an appropriate and good name is worth gold!)

Start a new React project

Start your terminal and navigate to the folder where you want to start your new project

  • $npx create-react-appPROJECTNAME
  • $cd in your project folder and type $code .
  • VS Code with your project is launched

"Clean" your React project on:

  • delete the default JSX and the logo (+ import of this) in App.js
  • delete the logo.svg file
  • From App.js you will build all components slowly

Extra studie voor React:

Javascript Classes: React Intro: React and Breakpoints: React Event Handlers: Components: States:


Exercise: React Shopping List and Shopping Cart


Language:HTML 48.0%Language:SCSS 34.9%Language:CSS 10.2%Language:JavaScript 6.9%