tonyc / open890

A web-based remote UI for the Kenwood TS-890.

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User-defined markers

tonyc opened this issue · comments

Have the ability to create/place a marker on the spectrum scope, through keyboard and also through a UI button click.

Also have the ability to remove a specific marker, or clear all markers at once.

The markers should be associated to the connection, and persist across restarts.

  • Ability to drop a markers via keyboard shortcut
  • Ability to clear markers via a keyboard shortcut
  • Marker persistence
  • Ability to jump between markers in frequency order (UI/keyboard)
  • Some sort of UI/button scheme for everything

This has landed in develop, with a couple of caveats:

  • Markers are not yet persisted across page reloads or connection restarts
  • Keyboard controls only (no UI yet) - mm, mr / mg / mb to drop white/red/green/blue markers, and cc / cr / cg / cb to clear white/red/green/blue markers.

Hi Tony

Using Firefox 113 on Fedora, put mouse cursor over spectrum display, tap m and immediately the search box opens with the M of MIC highlighted.

Hmm, do you have the "Search for text when you start typing" option turned on? I can look into seeing if there's a way to disable it on the client-side in JS.

Also to note, you don't necessarily need to have the mouse cursor hovering over the spectrum - the keyboard shortcuts will currently drop the marker at the left-side VFO location, not where the mouse is pointing.


Yes, I had that selected, although I don't remember doing it so maybe it was a default I've never changed.

So if the cursor is over the spectrum it should drop the marker where the cursor is or have you not implemented that yet?

In any case I now get markers, I will wait for development to get it all sorted out.

So if the cursor is over the spectrum it should drop the marker where the cursor is or have you not implemented that yet?

I haven't decided on this interaction yet, but it seems like a reasonable way to expect it to behave!


It looks like being a useful feature. Perhaps you could also have a list of fixed markers that are always present, a bit like the macros in config.toml and user configurable. Marking frequencies for unusual modes is the application I'm thinking of, like the freedv frequencies for instance.