toniz / deeplab-on-ios

Tensorflow-lite Deeplab Real Time Segmentation on iOS with OpenCV

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

deeplab detects badly on ios

hakS07 opened this issue · comments


Hi, I have trained deep lab on my custom dataset(400*300,14000 images) for iris eyes object with 513 as crop size and during the test, it detects for crop with crop size 513 .
i tested the pb model with code python it detects ok(not precise very much but it ok)
now what I need i integrate my model on ios application, i was able to successfully convert the model to tflite .but it gives me a wrong and bad segmentation
python \ --logtostderr \ --train_split="trainval" \ --model_variant="mobilenet_v2" \ --output_stride=16 \ --train_crop_size="513,513" \ --train_batch_size=4 \ --training_number_of_steps=20000 \ --fine_tune_batch_norm=true \ --tf_initial_checkpoint="${INIT_FOLDER}/${CKPT_NAME}/model.ckpt-30000" \ --train_logdir="${TRAIN_LOGDIR}" \ --dataset_dir="${my_DATASET}"
####convert to tflite
tflite_convert ----output_format=TFLITE --inference_type=QUANTIZED_UINT8 --inference_input_type=FlOAT --input_arrays=sub_2 --input_shapes=1,513,513,3 --output_arrays=ResizeBilinear_2 --output_file=/Users/hak/Downloads/deeplabv3_mnv2_pascal_trainvall/mobilenet1-20000.tflite --graph_def=/Users/hak/Downloads/deeplabv3_mnv2_pascal_trainvall/mobilenet-20000.pb --mean_values=128 --std_dev_values=127 --allow_custom_ops --post_training_quantize
did you have any idea why mobilenet gives me such bad result is't the training steps no enough for 14000 images or what ??



And your dataset is 400*300, using --train_crop_size="257,257" would get better performance.


@toniz thank you for your answer my data are something like this
and what i need to detect is the iris so i want to make sure if i use train crop size<<image original size will cut the iris part and mess up with images ???
because I m new on machine learning i don't know if the problem(bad segmentation)was because
that the iteration number (32000) not enough for data(14000) or not ??
excuse my ignorance


i want to make sure if i use train crop size<<image original size will cut the iris part and mess up with images ???

I don't think so.
The VOC dataset only has 17128 images. and it has 21 classes. The image size is different( 375 * 500, 373 * 500, 500*375 etc).

because I m new on machine learning i don't know if the problem(bad segmentation)was because
that the iteration number (32000) not enough for data(14000) or not ??

You need to learn how to use the tensorboard.


Thanks for the reply