tonivade / purefun

Functional Programming library for Java

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foldMapping in zio effect doesn't look good

tonivade opened this issue · comments

Currently there's a hack to wrap errors in a exception, but in any case I cannot use a MonadError because in the cases that there's a map in error for example mapError or bimap, i will need two different instances one for E and one for F, and there's no mapError method in MonadError and I don't know if it's even possible.

take a look this links about bimonad and bimonaderror

But If I change the foldMap method to receive a Bimonaderror or Bimonaddefer or something like this, it will only be possible to transform it to other Bimonaderror instance, and currently is only possible to have bimonaderror instances of either, eitherT and ZIO it self, and the intention of this foldMap is to run it asynchronously in a Future, so, it's ok, I'm going to left ZIO foldMap alone, by now