tonivade / purefun

Functional Programming library for Java

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Generate sealed classes using annotation processor

tonivade opened this issue · comments

For example, in Option interface, we want to make sure that only two implementations of Option are available, Some and None.

Right now I'm doing a trick to forbid other classes may implement the Option interface.

public interface Option extends OptionOf<T> {

  OptionModule getModule();

  final class Some implements Option<T> {
      public OptionModule getModule() {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  final class None implements Option<T> {
      public OptionModule getModule() {
         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

interface OptionModule {}

OptionModule is not visible outside, so you cannot implement this interface outside this package.

But I think it's possible to implement the same using annotation processing.

@HigherKind(sealed = true)
public interface Option extends OptionOf<T> {


  final class Some implements SealedOption<T> {

  final class None implements SealedOption<T> {

The this code will be generated

public interface OptionOf<T> extends Kind<Option_, T> {

  SealedOption<T> youShallNotPass();


// package private
interface SealedOption<T> extends Option<T> {
  default SealedOption<T> youShallNotPass() {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

This way, if you try to implement Option outside, the compiler will fail, because SealedOption<T> is not visible.