tonivade / purefun

Functional Programming library for Java

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algebraic effects

wishfoundry opened this issue · comments



really impressed by your work, especially the use of @FunctionalInterfaces is very inspiring.
I've been working a lot with heirarchical context problems lately, and your code has been somewhat useful thought experiment

I was wondering, have you considered attempting to implement algebraic effects in this style?

Hi @wishfoundry! Thank you for your kind words. I'm glad to hear that my code helps you. I started this project only to learn FP concepts, but it has grown to much to handle.

I don't know anything about algebraic effects and taking a quick look, it looks very interesting. I going to try to implement it if I found some time. Now I'm quite busy, but I promise to take a look.

Hi again!

I've been working last weekend in this pull request #58. Honestly, I'm don't know what I'm doing (I'm not a FP expert at all, the papers are far from my understanding and my background is from OOP) but it seems it works, at least, the two basic examples of the documentation returns the same result :)

There are some parts without coverage, but I'm not sure how to test it. Do you know any other example, more complex, to test my development?

Kind regards!