tonellotto / terrier-micro

An efficient layer to perform query processing on top of Terrier

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

when used from the commandline in Terrier core, generates log4j warning

cmacdonald opened this issue · comments

 bin/terrier micro-ms-generator -I $PWD/var/index/ -w BM25
16:37:51.762 [main] INFO  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Started MSGenerator with parallelism 1 (out of 3 max parallelism available)
16:37:51.765 [main] WARN  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Multi-threaded MaxScore generation is experimental - caution advised due to threads competing for available memory! YMMV.
16:37:51.775 [main] INFO  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Input index contains 1298 terms
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (it.cnr.isti.hpclab.ef.structures.EFDocumentIndex).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See for more info.
16:37:51.958 [main] INFO  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Parallel maxscore computation completed after 0 seconds
16:37:51.966 [main] INFO  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Sequential writing completed after 0 seconds
16:37:51.975 [main] INFO  i.c.isti.hpclab.maxscore.MSGenerator - Multi-threaded MaxScore generation

same for BMWGenerator