tompaana / object-tracking-demo

A Windows universal application demonstrating how to track objects in a feed provided by camera.

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Object Tracking Demo

New in 2015-08-31 update

  • Feature to process local images (treated as single frames) implemented
  • Improved circular object detection (minimal closing circle based on convex hull)
  • Simple noise removal filter implemented
  • UI (ObjectTrackingDemo project) refactored

New in 2015-07-31 update

  • Chroma delta and edge detection modes, which do not really do much, but display the algorithms in real-time
  • Cleaned up code and improved project structure
  • Camera settings for ISO and exposure added (availability based on device)


This is a Windows universal application demonstrating how to track objects in a feed provided by camera.

Screenshot 2

Supported platforms: Windows 8.1 (WinRT), Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Store Apps


You know how they say you shouldn't start a speech with an apology (because it drops the interest of any listener even before you start). Well, that true. However, I'm sorry, but:

No, this is not a feature complete, 100 % verified and tested demo. It started as a test, a proof-of-concept if you will, and it hasn't evolved further although it roughly does what it was meant to do. There's still a long way to go so that we could say it even functions on 50 % capacity. That said, it still provides some rudimentary architecture, which makes sense and you are free to utilize that should you want to implement something similar. It provides a set of different, reusable methods for image processing and analysis. And every bit is yours to keep - unless you're planning some evil scheme of world domination or something.

What does it do?


Object motion captured

The features of the demo are:

  • Locking to an object/area in the video feed based on the given color and threshold
  • After locking to a target, the demo will start recording N number of frames into a ring buffer for later analysis
  • When the object displacement exceeds set parameters (the thing moves), it will trigger a post-processing operation, which will try to deduce, using the frames in the buffer, where the object went

How do I build/compile it?

Very easily. If you are targeting a (physical) Windows Phone:

  1. Set ObjectTrackingDemo.WindowsPhone as StartUp project
  2. Make sure the build configuration is set to ARM (and Device instead of emulator)
  3. Select BUILD -> Build Solution, BUILD -> Deploy Solution or click Device to run on device

If you are targeting big Windows (e.g. laptop):

  1. Set ObjectTrackingDemo.Windows as StartUp project
  2. Make sure the build configuration is set to x86
  3. Select BUILD -> Build Solution, BUILD -> Deploy Solution or click Local machine (can be something else too) to run on device

How do I use it?

Chroma filter mode

Take. It. Slow. When you start, select the color of the object by tapping the viewfinder. The app will select the color in the point tapped. To fine-tune the color, tap the color selection button (which also displays the selected color). Start with very low threshold value and increase it little by little as needed until the app recognizes the desired object. Note that you need to tap the magic wand icon to start the video engine (the effect).

If the color you are targeting is really distinctive (does not appear in the background), you can try to exaggerate the color selection and use a higher threshold value.

If you use too high threshold, especially on the phone, the app may feel like it has stopped responding. This is because there is too much data sent for further processing.

Chroma delta mode

Select a low threshold value and increase. This mode does not really do anything (yet), but displays the changes in the consecutive frames i.e. if the camera is stable and nothing is moving in the field of view, nothing is shown on the viewfinder.

Edge detection

Select a low threshold value and increase. This mode also does not do anything special yet, but displays the edges of objects based on really, really simple gradient calculation.

Noise removal

Check the Remove noise check box to enable (found in settings).

How does it work?

The functionality and methods used are explained in the following articles on high level:

Few words on architecture

The solution has two separate projects: ObjectTrackingDemo, which is the UI project written with XAML and C#, and VideoEffect, a native component, written with C++, that does the heavy lifting.

Important classes of VideoEffect project

  • Image Processing:

  • ImageAnalyzer: Utilizes the methods provided by ImageProcessingUtils for higher level image analysis.

  • ImageProcessingUtils: Provides the basic methods for chroma filtering, mapping objects from binary image, creating convex hulls etc.

  • Effects:

  • ChromaDeltaEffect: Compares the two consecutive frames and highlights the pixels, which have changed (based on a threshold value).

  • ChromaFilterEffect: Highlights pixels, which are close enough, determined by the set threshold value, to the set target luma/chroma values.

  • EdgeDetectionEffect: Highlights the pixels, which appear to be an edge based on the calculated, simple gradient value.

  • NoiseRemoval: Smoothers the frame to remove noise.

  • Transforms:

  • BufferTransform: Runs the ring buffer and handles the detection of the object's destination i.e. where did the object go.

  • RealtimeTransform: Manages finding the object, when stationary, locking to it and detecting the moment when the object displacement occurs i.e. when the object moves from its starting position.

The image below describes the workloads of the two video effects based on the application state. Red color signifies heavy CPU load whereas green means low CPU load.

Effect workloads based on states

Known issues

  • Windows build: When first time enabled, the effect (on camera page) does nothing but freezes the frame. Turn the effect off and on again to get it working.
  • Windows Phone build: The app is sometimes really slow or even jams. The root cause is the object mapping algorithm, which does not handle certain kind of data well. To manage the problem use as low threshold value as possible.
  • The solution will not compile with Community 2015 RC version of Visual Studio.


A Windows universal application demonstrating how to track objects in a feed provided by camera.



Language:C++ 50.3%Language:C# 48.6%Language:C 1.1%