tommyshem / micro-editor-stuff

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Snippets: Is more than one shortcut allowed ?

MarcusE1W opened this issue · comments


Great plugin, thanks.

I have tried to copy one of the vim snippet file over for micro (ada.snippet).
while playing around with that I noticed that a snippet only works if it has only one shortcut. If there is more than one one the message 'unknown snippet XXX' is shown. If the same snippet has only one shortcut it works.
I also noticed that the snippets that come with the plugin only have one shortcut.

In the help fine it says:

after snippet you can add one or more keywords for the snippets, like snippet aFunc bFunc (at least one keyword is required)

Maybe this sentence just needs to be updated, or have I maybe missed something ?

Also with this you cannot just copy the vim files if they have more than one shortcut.