tommasop / ex_css_captcha

[Elixir] [BSD] A (simple) Elixir version of CSS-captcha

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A really simple (and visual only) captcha engine based on CSS3 and Unicode (elixir "port" of julp/CSS-captcha) :

  • no need for any storage: the challenge is signed then ciphered to be directly transmitted by the client (hidden input)
  • 2 code additions required


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding ex_css_captcha to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_css_captcha, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at


Defaults are:

config :ex_css_captcha,
  alphabet: '23456789abcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz',
  reversed: false,
  noise_length: 2,
  challenge_length: 8,
  unicode_version: :ascii,
  significant_characters_color: nil,
  html_wrapper_id: :captcha,
  html_letter_tag: :span,
  html_wrapper_tag: :div,
  significant_characters_style: "",
  renderer: ExCSSCaptcha.DefaultRenderer,


  • alphabet (charlist): subset of ASCII alphanumeric characters from which to pick characters to generate the challenge (eg: define it to '0123456789' to only use digits)
  • reversed (boolean): inverse order of displayed element (false to disable)
  • noise_length (integer): define the maximum number of noisy characters to add before and after each character composing the challenge. A random number of whitespaces (may be punctuations in the future) will be picked between 0 and this maximum
  • challenge_length (integer): challenge length
  • significant_characters_color (one of nil - none/inherit, :blue, :red, :green, :light (white-ish), :dark (black-ish)): generate a random nuance of the given color for significant characters
  • html_wrapper_id (atom or string): HTML/CSS ID of container element
  • html_wrapper_tag (atom or string): HTML tag name of container element
  • html_letter_tag (atom or string): HTML tag to display challenge (and fake) characters
  • significant_characters_style (string): fragment of CSS code to append to significant characters of the challenge
  • unicode_version (atom, one of :ascii, :unicode_1_1_0, :unicode_2_0_0, :unicode_3_0_0, :unicode_3_1_0, :unicode_3_2_0, :unicode_4_0_0, :unicode_4_1_0, :unicode_5_0_0, :unicode_5_1_0, :unicode_5_2_0, :unicode_6_0_0): the Unicode version from which to pick characters
  • renderer (module): a module implementing ExCSSCaptcha.Renderer behaviour to customize HTML output for the captcha (see ExCSSCaptcha.DefaultRenderer for an example)


In your template, your form, insert the following to add the needed fields:

<%= form_for ..., fn f -> %>

  options = [] # any custom options
  ExCSSCaptcha.Challenge.render(f, ExCSSCaptcha.Challenge.create(options), options)

Then, in your changeset function, just add for form validation:

  def changeset(struct, params) do
    |> ExCSSCaptcha.validate_captcha()


[Elixir] [BSD] A (simple) Elixir version of CSS-captcha


Language:Elixir 99.5%Language:Shell 0.5%