tomboy-notes / tomboy-ng

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Yellow highlight in pasted text.

nightwindzero opened this issue · comments

When I copy and paste from Tomboy-ng to Word O365, the text comes out with a Yellow highlight

This does NOT happen when I use OpenOffice Writer though.

This seems to happen with all my notes but the one I was specifically using when I went through this doesn't have any reference to yellow in the file that I can see.

Version 0.36b

Thanks for all your hard work.
I love this app.


Hmm, do you mean that text that is highlighted yellow in the -ng note keeps it highlight in Word but not OpenOffice ?

Or do you mean all text copied from an -ng note is highlighted yellow when you paste into OpenOffice ?

In my case, on Linux, copying from a note to OpenOffice (EDIT: LibreOfffice) seems to always drop all markup. The way copy and paste works is that an application being copied from puts its content into the clipboard in plain text and possibly one or more markups. The app getting the paste chooses which version to use. In tomboy-ng's case, it copies the (default) plain text and a rich text version.

I guess its possible add another format if we can workout what OO likes to get.



It appears LibreOffice will accept html (via "paste special") - migt experiment with pushing some html code into the clipboard ?


No need for a video, I understand exactly what you mean. While I cannot replicate it here, I understand how annoying it really is. I do not understand why apps like OO or LO don't have a setting "always paste plain text". Personally, I hate the way it brings in formatting from elsewhere when its almost always the case that you want to apply the OO documents formatting.
You can force a plain text paste, from memory (I need to look it up every time I use it) its ctrl-alt-V but you should check that. That will ensure OO is using the plain text option from the clipboard (tomboy-ng has put both plain text and rich text in there).

I 'might' be able to do a plain text copy from tomboy-ng, not sure, but worth trying. It would appear as an option. But honestly, a decision that 'should' be made in the receiving app.


EDIT: Another thing worth trying, just might be the "Primary Copy/Paste". Its a Unix/Linux thing but I enable it in tomboy-ng even under windows. But I suspect it will only work within tomboy-ng, worth a try. Select some text (secretly, without you knowing, just selecting it gets it copied to the "primary clipboard"). Now, clicking the middle mouse button will paste it into another tomboy-ng window, see if it pastes into OO. I don't expect it to work, just might given OO's unix history.


Yeah, that makes sense. What ever colour you -ng background is set to, right now you will get that colour, if you set it to white, its recorded as having a white background in the new app. What you want is no markup at all so it gets what ever the new apps background is. As I said, I would love to be able to paste into another app with no markup by default, but thats a matter for the other app, tomboy-ng does place a plain text copy in the clipboard, its just that most apps are setup to use the most 'complete' item in the clipboard.
I will look into an option for tomboy-ng to place only the plain text copy there. Sometimes thats not what we want, eg, copying between tomboy-ng notes. So, will have to be an easy set option.


OK, quite messy to alter KMemo to just save plain text, down several layers and I doubt TK would accept such a patch.

So, look into removing the RTF text after the ecCopy action.


OK, embarrassing easy to fix, I have provided an additional Right Click Menu, "Copy Plain" that does appear to do just that. Libre Office does not use the RTF Text on my system so I cannot positively test it.
nightwindzero - let me about your system and I will cut you a beta test version. Just to be sure.



OK, look for the Windows Installer, the one ending with .exe, and with 0.36e in the file name, here -
sorry, there are a lot of files in that directory, you need the one called tomboy-ng-setup-0.36e.exe, note the 'e' in the version number.



OK, this issue resolved in

So closing this issue, thanks for your report.
