tomboy-notes / tomboy-ng

Next generation of Tomboy

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Sync error : "(line 1 pos 1) Root element is missing"

nguxx opened this issue · comments



I have this error went I try to create a synchronization : "(line 1 pos 1) Root element is missing"
version 0.36eb x86_64 OS Win64


nguxx, this sounds like a broken note. When you restart tomboy-ng does the splash screen pop up with a warning about errors in your notes ?

It could be that the broken note in in your sync repo and tomboy-ng is refusing to sync it so you may not see that error message.

Which sync are you using, file sync or sync to github ?

You may need to try and capture tomboy-ng's debug stream, it usually has something to say about most errors. To do that on Windows is a touch hard, you need to follow the instructions on

Try it first without the "--debug-index", attempt to start up a sync. If there is nothing much interesting in the log file, try it with --debug-sync

Before posting the logfile here, make sure you look through it first, it will probably have note titles in it, you may not want them public.



Hi nguxx, any news on this problem ?



Hi David,
First, my TB is in French, I’ve tried "note in English" but it stays in French, so I will try to translate the commands.

Sync is local.

When the splash screen opens, it says : Cannot index notes, Please go to Settings > Recup > Recup notes
I have 11 notes broken, I tried to delete them. After quitting and restarting, the notes are gone, and I do not have the splash screen at the opening anymore (my option’s choice).
From a backup I copied the notes deleted, luckily there were OK.
I should use the snapshots more often, I would have been simpler.

So it’s fixed, thanks for your help.


But you lost 11 notes ???

Thats very bad news indeed ! Do you have any idea what might have caused such a disaster ? Power failure ? Bad disk ? It should not happen unless something really serious has happened. So, I worry, it might happen again.....

(Note to self : I should zip up deleted notes so they can later be examined if user wants, just deleting them leaves the trail cold.)



But you lost 11 notes ???

Fortunately no, I had a backup of my folder and I could get them back.
I think the problem was in the synchro of my Nextcloud.
My Tomboy-ng folder is sync with the Nextcloud client to my Nextcloud server. And I have many devices with Linux and Windows OS with this feature, at the end I often experience conflicts.
That 's what is very precious for me in TB-ng, I have the same folder fed with different OS (double boot plus VM) on my main machine plus external machines sync with the cloud. Everywhere I have my notes (except on android). Very handy !


Good, backups help us sleep at night !

Hmm, I was looking at a direct NextCloud sync, to their notes application. But their model for storing last change date/times was quite buggy. I believe it has been revised since then, maybe I should look again ?

And Android ? Have you tried the Github sync ? I use it for a subset of my notes and find it invaluable. I always have my phone with me and it was quite easy to decide which notes needed to be made available that way. The github editor is a bit clunky on a phone but even just being able to read the notes is useful.



Sounds like user sorted this problem out.