tomayac / local-reverse-geocoder

Local reverse geocoder for Node.js based on GeoNames data

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

No geonames_dump folder

Garamani opened this issue · comments

Hello Thomas,
Thank you for providing this great package(It's the main part of my project).

  1. Today I noticed local-reverse-geocoder doesn't return the City of Toronto and instead it's returning small areas of Toronto which are not useful for so many case scenarios.
  2. I checked the old dump folder I had and when I compared it with the new cities1000 from GeoNames, it seems the problem is the updated version of cities1000.
  3. I wanted to replace it in my Heroku server and I noticed there is NO geonames_dump FOLDER!

My question is: If there is no geonames_dump FOLDER, how the local-reverse-geocoder is returning the results?

I also built a folder "geonames_dump" but the local-reverse-geocoder is returning the same result.

What can be the possible issue in this case?

You really should have that folder, it's created here:


Try starting your server with DEBUG=local-reverse-geocoder npm start and see what comes out in the debug messages.

Thanks, DEBUG=local-reverse-geocoder npm start was a big help.

I kept an old version of cities1000 without the timestamp at the end in the geonames_dump folder, as you suggested in the readme file: data gets refreshed each day. You can override this behavior by removing the timestamp from the files in the ./geonames_dump download folder.

But It seems Heroku downloads "cities1000" from when the server starts.

DEBUG info:
Getting GeoNames cities data from (this may take a while)

I had to replace the area names with the city name "Toronto" when the local-reverse-geocoder returns the result and then sends them to the client.

I think it can be a good idea to have an option to set the local-reverse-geocoder to use a local file. The updated version of data from GeoNames can make the output result inconsistent in many projects.

Can you share the latitude/longitude pair? Not sure if this is a data issue.

name: 'Moss Park',
latitude: '43.65498',
longitude: '-79.37153',
name: 'Bay Street Corridor',
latitude: '43.65751',
longitude: '-79.38572',

This is what I get for http://localhost:3000/geocode?latitude=43.65498&longitude=-79.37153:

		"geoNameId": "7870782",
		"name": "Moss Park",
		"asciiName": "Moss Park",
		"alternateNames": null,
		"latitude": "43.65498",
		"longitude": "-79.37153",
		"featureClass": "P",
		"featureCode": "PPLX",
		"countryCode": "CA",
		"cc2": null,
		"admin1Code": {
			"name": "Ontario",
			"asciiName": "Ontario",
			"geoNameId": "6093943"
		"admin2Code": {
			"name": "Toronto county",
			"asciiName": "Toronto county",
			"geoNameId": "8133394"
		"admin3Code": null,
		"admin4Code": null,
		"population": "20506",
		"elevation": null,
		"dem": "87",
		"timezone": "America/Toronto",
		"modificationDate": "2020-05-02",
		"alternateName": {
			"link": {
				"altName": "",
				"isPreferredName": false,
				"isShortName": false,
				"isColloquial": false,
				"isHistoric": false
			"wkdt": {
				"altName": "Q14875318",
				"isPreferredName": false,
				"isShortName": false,
				"isColloquial": false,
				"isHistoric": false
		"distance": 0

It's like that in the data I guess. The park is the same you get when you throw the coordinates into Google Maps. I'm closing this Issue, since there's nothing I could do about the data format.