tomaszj / javaee-angular-gradle

Simple Java EE based API built with Gradle, serving an AngularJS frontend. Call it a microservice if you like.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Java EE Businesses app

A sample, fairly bare-bones setup for Java EE app which serves necessary files for a frontend application. Built using gradle.

Building locally

run ./gradlew war and then deploy the .war to your container (e.g. Glassfish server).

Interesting bits

All static assets are served from src/main/webapp folder. Interesting bit is the AssetsServingFilter class which essentially handles the redirection of all user's requests to serve index.html page, excluding API calls, JS, CSS files and images. The purpose is to support HTML5 mode paths in Angular application. This way, http://localhost:8080/businesses link is resolved properly to Angular application, while preserving the path for correct resolution.


Standard MIT.


Simple Java EE based API built with Gradle, serving an AngularJS frontend. Call it a microservice if you like.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%