tomasherman / Bitcombiner

Simple toy parser combinator library for binary data analysis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Simple clone of scala parser combinator library designed for bit data


Check if the stream begins with either [1 1] [1 0]

import all the needed stuff from package net.tomasherman.bitcombiner

scala> import net.tomasherman.bitrex.Utils._
import net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Utils._

scala> import net.tomasherman.bitrex.Parsers._
import net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Parsers._

scala> val data = bitStream(Array(0xaa,0xaa))
data: Stream[net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Bit] = Stream(1, ?)

scala> import net.tomasherman.bitcombiner._
import net.tomasherman.bitcombiner._

scala> def twoOnes = litSeq(b1,b1)
twoOnes: java.lang.Object with net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.BitParser[IndexedSeq[net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Bit]]

scala> def oneZero = litSeq(b1,b0)
oneZero: java.lang.Object with net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.BitParser[IndexedSeq[net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Bit]]

scala> def twoOnesOrOneZero = twoOnes | oneZero
twoOnesOrOneZero: net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.DisjunctParser[Any]

scala> twoOnesOrOneZero(data)
res0: net.tomasherman.bitcombiner.Result[Any] = Success(Vector(1, 0),Stream(1, ?))

##Thanks to


Simple toy parser combinator library for binary data analysis


Language:Scala 100.0%