tomSawkins / fishsimulator2014

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Animation: swap image direction when going left... maybe...

APrasser opened this issue · comments

Animated. Perhaps can be changed to not flip and animate, instead just swap direction.

Hey Geoff, animation was cool but we agreed that it didn't really fit the cheap and nasty 8bit 2d feel we're going for, so I've commented out that code. I personally thought the rotation was a nice touch though, I briefly tried to keep the rotation in there while using the old way of flipping but couldn't get both to work (I think because the faceLeft class was using the transform css property but was getting overriden by the dynamic rotation in code) so I ended up just leaving it commented out for now but would be cool to get the rotation working again. :)

No worries :)
When I get a sec i'll clean it up.

Rotation is in now without the flip animation!
