tolo / InterfaCSS

The CSS-inspired styling and layout framework for iOS

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Option to hide the status bar in FCOverlayViewController request

toriaezunama opened this issue · comments

In my presented view controllers I am hiding the status bar by returning YES from prefersStatusBarHidden. But FCOverlayViewController defaults to showing the status bar causing a 'jump' as the status bar hides itself and the presented view expands to fill the area.

Adding the following to FCOverlayViewController.m won't work because at the point it is called self.presentedViewController is nil.

- (BOOL)prefersStatusBarHidden
    return [self.presentedViewController prefersStatusBarHidden];

It seems the only way to support this would be add an extra parameter to presentOverlayWithViewController:windowLevel:animated:queued:completion: in FCOverlay.m and implement it in FCOverlayViewController.m too.

What are you thoughts on this?

First, thank you for posting the first ever issue for InterfaCSS!

Unfortunately though, I am unable to give you my thoughts on the issue at hand, since I am as of now unfamiliar with FCOverlayViewController. I recommend that you post your issue here instead:

Let me know if I've misunderstood you in any way, and if there is something InterfaCSS related I can help you with.


Apologies @tolo. I have too many github tabs open and posted to the wrong project.

I am loving InterfaCSS and find it really useful. :)

No worries.

Glad to hear you like it - a new version will be out soon with even more goodness :)