toldav / qint

Qmail based enterpise mail server solution

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is qint?
Qint is not toaster. Qint is a complete mail server solution which install the following

SMTP server with TLS/SSL (Qmail)
POP3 server (POP)
IMAP server (Dovecot)
SPF (Sender Protection Framework)
RBL checks (spamhaus)
Simscan (virus, spam, attachment filtering helper)
Spam filtering (Spamassain)
Virus scanning (Clamav)
Greylisting (Jgreylist)
Autoresponder (auotrespond)
Virtual domains (Vpopmail + mysql)
Quota support (Vpopmail)
Mailing lists (Ezmlm)
Mail filtering (Maildrop)
Disclaimer per domain (qmail-qfilter)
Statistics/Graphs (Qmailmrtg + isoqlog)
Server side filters (Sieve)
Administration (Qmailadmin)
Webmail (Squirrelmail)
SMTP plugins (Qmail-spp support)

How to install?
untar the package and run install --help to see all options. To quickly get started

tar zxvf qint-<version>.tar.gz
cd qint-<version>
./install -i


Qmail based enterpise mail server solution