toland / qlmarkdown

QuickLook generator for Markdown files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Doesn't support GitHub syntax highlighted code blocks

citizenmatt opened this issue · comments

Given a codeblock like:

public void Foo()

Then the code block is not formatted, and you see the fence marks. Remove the cs bit and it all renders correctly. I'm using 1.3.0 and OSX 10.9.3


Having the same issue. Also tried using ~~~~ and <code> to denote start/end of a code block and they also seems unsupported. Workaround is indenting by 1 tab seems to work best.

Unsure if it's worth noting, but the text I am trying to code block is HTML. The QuickLook preview when trying the above failing methods is simply showing the HTML rendered (as in a browser), rather than the literal code I am trying to code block.