tokio-rs / axum

Ergonomic and modular web framework built with Tokio, Tower, and Hyper

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Consider making it easier to construct ErrorResponse from a non-IntoResponse error

jplatte opened this issue · comments

Feature Request


People ask about short-circuiting from handler functions with non-IntoResponse errors somewhat frequently.

We already have ErrorResponse in axum::response for returning different error types from a handler function conveniently. However, right now it is quite annoying to construct one from a non-IntoResponse error type (see alternatives).



impl ErrorResponse {
    fn internal_server_error(message: impl Display) -> Self {
        (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, message.to_string()).into()

to allow users to write



  1. Expose a free function, same thing but less verbose

  2. Do nothing. One can already do

    try_thing().map_err(|e| (StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.to_string()))?;

Open questions

Should the internal_server_error function log the error as well?