toedter / hal-explorer

An API explorer for RESTful Hypermedia APIs using HAL or HAL-FORMS

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Most links are not showing up with Spring Boot 2.5.0

eiswind opened this issue · comments

Bildschirmfoto von 2021-05-21 13-29-49

I created a simple example with an Entity and a JpaRepository. This works fine in Spring Boot 2.4.6 but does not show POST/DELETE etc links in 2.5.0.

Not sure, this could be also a data-rest issue :)

The content-type in your response header is application/prs.hal-forms+json.
In this case only GET request is displayed in HAL Explorer.

In case you planned to make a HAL-FORMS example, this seems intended behaviour.
For a HAL example content-type should be application/hal+json.


@pmoule, you are right. This is on purpose with HAl-FORMS media type, since HAL-FORMS provides affordances (_templates) for exactly those use cases. If you want to provide create or delete functionality, you would define the respective affordances.
BTW, the media type for HAL is application/hal+json

@eiswind, when you are using String HATEOAS you can choose from a list of supported media types. Spring Data REST only supported HAL in the past but they are also moving to HAL-FORMS.

Thanks for clearing this up! I didn't catch that change.

This must be a new behaviour of data-rest then. I just updated the spring boot version an got this new content-type w/o further changes. I'll have to investigate a little further.

Thanks for pointing this out, I will check with latest Spring Data REST versions soon.


BTW, the media type for HAL is application/hal+json

thx, fixed the typo


This must be a new behaviour of data-rest then. I just updated the spring boot version an got this new content-type w/o further changes. I'll have to investigate a little further.

Did you find out how to suppress HAL-FORMS support in Spring Data REST or Spring HATEOAS for HAL Explorer to continue working for all HTTP Methods as it was working with previous versions of SpringBoot (2.4.9 earlier)?

@pravinkalekar just set the content-type header to application/hal+json in the ui.


@pravinkalekar just set the content-type header to application/hal+json in the ui.

I still don't understand how to suppress hal-forms. I couldn't find the location to set the content-type header in the Spring Boot HAL explorer ui. Could you explain with more details to control it?

Use the "Edit Headers" button in the top left corner next to the API URL to set the content-type header.

@pravinkalekar Wow. I couldn't see that button. Thanks!

For those who want more accurate information, in order to get application/hal+json content-type response, I can set my request header using Accept key.


Tested on Spring Boot 2.5.4