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Port 35729 is already in use by another process

b4z81 opened this issue · comments

grunt-dev.command return this error:

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on localhost:9000.

Running "open:server" (open) task

Running "watch" task
Waiting...Fatal error: Port 35729 is already in use by another process.

if i display the list of open network connections:

Sublime   1156 macbookpro    7u  IPv4 0xffffff801a66ba40      0t0  TCP *:35729 (LISTEN)

This usually happens when there's another Terminal window open, or is this from a fresh boot?

Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Oct 2013, at 11:16, Stefano Guglielmi wrote:

grunt-dev.command return this error:

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on localhost:9000.

Running "open:server" (open) task

Running "watch" task
Waiting...Fatal error: Port 35729 is already in use by another process.
if i display the list of open network connections:

Sublime 1156 macbookpro 7u IPv4 0xffffff801a66ba40 0t0 TCP *:35729 (LISTEN)

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right, it works after closing the other terminal window.
thank you

Il giorno martedì 8 ottobre 2013, Todd Motto ha

This usually happens when there's another Terminal window open, or is
this from a fresh boot?

Sent from my iPhone

On 8 Oct 2013, at 11:16, Stefano Guglielmi

grunt-dev.command return this error:

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on localhost:9000.

Running "open:server" (open) task

Running "watch" task
Waiting...Fatal error: Port 35729 is already in use by another process.
if i display the list of open network connections:

Sublime 1156 macbookpro 7u IPv4 0xffffff801a66ba40 0t0 TCP *:35729

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Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

i was also facing same prob .
i cross check which program is using this port .
$ lsof | grep 35729
i found sublime text is using this . well that may be due to live reload plugin installed with sublime text . i immediately uninstalled this plugin and removed extension from chrome too .
and finally

$grunt serve was working for me

Was Sublime text for me:
Preferences>Package Control>remove package> livereload >Restart Sublime text > Worked!

Thanks hassanjamal!
Thanks everybody!

+1 Sublime

+1 Sublime

I want to run multiple project that both use watch. Can we configure the port watch uses?

of course we can, thanks
cite from grunt's git hub docs

Live reloading is built into the watch task. Set the option livereload to true to enable on the default port 35729 or set to a custom port: livereload: 1337.

I had the same problem , so i was this options :{spawn : false, livereload: true} in Gruntfile.js and another Livereload installed in Sublime Text 2, to resolve this , you should to disable one Livereload. So I did like this options :{spawn : false, livereload: false}

Custom port for livereload can be specified.




Take a look at

For me it turned out to be a tab in Chrome. Weird. Running lsof | grep 35729 revealed the problem.

sublime's livereload was the culprit....

LiveReload is the culprit because Grunt uses the same package to update the browser.

However, You don't need to remove the LiveReload package from Sublime!!!!

Simply change the port that SublimeText's LiveReload uses, then restart Sublime.

Sublime Text 2 > Preferences > Package Settings > Live Reload > Settings - User

The opened file will mostly likely be blank. Paste in:

    "port" : 35730

This overrides the default port 37729

Restart Sublime.
Restart Terminal.

Sublime's LiveReload will no longer interfere/share ports with Grunt.

Run this command : $ lsof | grep 35729 see what other app useing the same port
1- make sure you have only on terminal window open
2 - if you install the live reload to sublime text just change the port

Thanks, it was the sublime. After that it worked +1 !

+1 for @lukeed It works!

You can also add an option to specify a livereload port.
in Gruntfile.js: livereload: grunt.option(lrport) || true
and then run: grunt serve --lrport 1337

Sublim, uwamp...

yo lo solucioné abriendo y serrando el sublime text,

  1. serré el sublime text
  2. instale el grunt en mi directorio por medio del ms-dos
    3.luego abrí el sublime
  3. listo ya no me salio ese error.

Was having this issue, restarting all apps didn't seem to solve it (probably a browser cache issue). Manually setting the port to a different one in Gruntfile.js in the project did the trick.

I was trying to run multiple watches using grunt-concurrent. I just set a different port for each watch task. Example:

watch: {
       less: {
            files: grunt.file.expand(config.lessFiles),
            tasks: ['less:production', 'concat:globalCss', 'concat:homeCss'],
            options: {
                spawn: true,
                event: ['changed'],
                livereload: 1341
        htmlDev: {
            files: config.htmlFiles,
            tasks: ['copy:html', 'exec', 'template:development'],
            options: {
                spawn: true,
                livereload: 1342
        tsChangedDev: {
            files: config.tsFiles,
            tasks: ['ts', 'copy:ts'],
            options: {
                spawn: false,
                event: ['changed'],
                reload: false,
                livereload: 1343

Had to run sudo lsof -i :35729 in mac terminal to get it to list the offender - virtualbox for me.

Well done ty 👍

Thank you @heaversm. The trick did it for me too! (Ubuntu 14.10)

hipchat was running on 9000 for me - so changing the port in gruntfile did the trick

For me it was because of ioniclabs! found it using $ lsof grep | 35729

+1 Sublime
Uninstalling Sublime's livereload fixed it for me

To solve this, I just need to close my firefox, sublime text and my terminal. After works well.

Is the problem similar with Apache port interrupted after installing Nginx? then we should configure the ports to be different? I have met the problem after installing Livereload package for my sublime, and it was made _Fatal error: Port 35729 is already in use by another process. _ appeared when i am running grunt serve to my yeoman project which has grunt-contrib-connect integration with Livereload Chrome Extension.

I had the same issue, saw grunt process was running multiple times, killed both and everything restarted just fine.

Check which process is listening on that port using:
fuser port_no/tcp
then kill that process using
kill -9 pid

it's happening some time cause of other terminal window is open.
solution thats works for me is:

  1. Close all terminal windows and then run project again.
  2. Close terminal && Restat IDE.

thanks to @cmplank tab in Chrome

  • UPDATE -seems some other issue again!

I only get it when LiveReload is already running in the background, with the LiveReload package installed.

Closing LiveReload the opening Sublime fixes it for me.